So, I watched THE FUNERAL. I was thinking, are people gonna fall over each other to tell lies to sing praises of me at my funeral? I guess I would be upset lying in that casket listening to people talking about somebody while pretending to be celebrating my life. Maybe, I'd be flattered. In life, when people attribute good things to me that are untrue them, I have this annoying habit of correcting them. If I were lying there and unable to correct them, that would drive me crazy. Probably, I won't be able to hear.
I was thinking about my comments yesterday about Professor Yoo's paper. I am reminded of Oliver Wendell Holmes's famous words about the genius of the law not being logic but experience. Good God! Experience is what gives one common sense. What Professor Yoo concluded shows such a lacking of common sense. I think common sense distinguish the good lawyer from the bad. Common sense is what makes a lawyer tell a client to take a deep breath and move on, rather than to throw good money after bad.
Oh well.
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